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Projection of Points - Classwork Problems

1.   Draw the projections of the following points on the same XY line, keeping convenient distance between each projectors. Name the Quadrants in which they lie.
A – 30 mm above HP & 35 mm in front of VP.
B – 35 mm above HP & 40 mm behind VP.
C – 40 mm above HP & on VP.
D – 35 mm below HP & 30 mm in front of VP.

2.     A point 30 mm above XY line is the front view of three points P, Q & R. The top view of R is 40 mm behind VP, the top view of Q is on XY line and top view of point P is 45 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the three points and state their positions and quadrants in which they are situated.

3.   Two points R and S are on HP. The point R is 35 mm in front of VP, while S is 50 mm behind VP. The line joining their top views makes an angle of 400 with XY. Find the horizontal distance between the two projectors.

4.      A point is 30 mm in front of VP, 20 mm above HP & 25 mm in front / behind / from LPP. Draw its projections and name the side view.

5.     A point is lying on HP, 20 mm behind VP & 35 mm behind / in front / from RPP. Draw its projections and name the side view.

6.   A point A is 30 mm in front of VP and 40 mm above HP. Another point B is 20 mm behind VP & 35 mm below HP. The horizontal distance between the points parallel to XY line is 60 mm. Draw the three projections of the points. Join their front and top views.

7.   A point A is 40 mm in front of VP and is situated in the fourth quadrant. Its shortest distance from the intersection of XY and X1Y1 is 45 mm. Draw its projections and find its distance from HP. 

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