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Projection of Planes - Assignment Problems

1.  An equilateral triangular lamina of 25 mm side lies with one of its sides on HP. The lamina makes 450 with HP and one of its medians is inclined at 400 to VP. Draw its projections.

2. A 300-600 setsquare of 60 mm longest side is so kept such that the longest side is in HP, making an angle of 300 with VP. The setsquare itself is inclined at 450 to HP. Draw the projections of the setsquare.

3.   A mirror 30 mm x 40 mm is inclined to the wall such that its front view is a square of 30 mm side. The longer sides of the mirror appear perpendicular to both HP and VP. Find the inclination of the mirror with the wall.

4.  A rectangular lamina of sides 20 mm x 25 mm has an edge in HP and adjoining edge in VP. It is tilted such that the front view appears as a rectangle of 20 mm x 15 mm. The edge, which is in VP, is 30 mm from the right profile plane. Draw the top, front and left profile views in this position. Find its inclinations with the corresponding planes of projection.

5.  A pentagonal lamina of sides 25 mm is having a side both on HP and VP. The corner opposite to the side on which it rests is 15 mm above HP. Draw the top and front views of the lamina.

6.  A pentagonal lamina having edges 25 mm is placed on one of its corners on VP such that the surface makes an angle of 300 with VP and the perpendicular bisector of the edge passing through the corner on which the lamina rests appears to be inclined at 300 to HP. Draw the top and front views of the lamina.

7.  A regular hexagonal lamina of side 30 mm is lying in such a way that one of its sides touches both the reference planes. If the side opposite to the side on which it rests is 45 mm above HP, draw the projections of the lamina.

8.  A Hexagonal lamina of sides 30 mm is resting on HP with one of its corners in VP and its surface inclined at an angle of 300 with VP. The diagonal passing through that corner which is in VP is inclined at 450 to HP. Draw the projections of the lamina.

9.  A circular lamina inclined to the VP appears in the front view as an ellipse of major axis 30 mm and minor axis 15 mm. The major axis is parallel to both HP and VP. One end of the minor axis is in both the HP and VP. Draw the projections of the lamina and determine the inclination of the lamina with the VP.

10.  A circular lamina of 50 mm diameter rests on HP such that one of its diameters is inclined at 300 to VP and 450 to HP. Draw its top and front views in this position.

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