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Projection of Points - Assignment Problems

1.   Draw the projections of the following points on the same XY line, keeping convenient distance between each projectors. Name the Quadrants in which they lie.
E – 30 mm below HP & 25 mm behind VP.
F – 35 mm below HP & 30 mm in front of VP.
G – On HP & 30 mm in front of VP.
H – On HP & 35 mm behind VP.

2.     A point 20 mm below the reference XY line is the top view of three points P, Q & R.
P is 20 mm below HP, Q is 35 mm above HP and R is on HP. Draw the projections of the three points and state their positions and quadrants in which they are situated.

3.   Two points P and Q are on HP. The point P is 30 mm behind VP, while Q is 50 mm in front of VP. The line joining their top views makes an angle of 400 with XY. Find the horizontal distance between their projectors parallel to XY line.

4.      The point P is 45 mm above HP, 60 mm behind VP and 30 mm from RPP. Draw the three principal view of the point. Also state the quadrant in which it lies.

5.    A point is 35 mm below HP, 15 mm behind VP & 25 mm behind / in front / from RPP. Draw its projections and name the side view.

6.   A point M is 30 mm in front of VP and 20 mm above HP. Another point N is 15 mm behind VP & 25 mm below HP. The horizontal distance between the points parallel to XY line is 50 mm. Draw the projections of the points M & N and join their front and top views. Draw the right side view for the point N only.

7.    A point G is 25 mm below HP & situated in the third quadrant. Its shortest distance from the intersection of XY and X1Y1 is 45 mm. Draw its projections and find its distance from VP.


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